Friday, July 11, 2008

From the Bookshelf

I'm not sure if you like to read or not...the fact that you're reading this is a little evidence I suppose, but if you are some books that I've read over the years and enjoyed.

Looking for a good book on leadership? I read this many, many years ago and it's a life-changing book.

Looking for something quick to read? I read this book a couple years back and it brings to light the powerful impact we can all have by doing small things well.

Not all life-changing books have to be bought from the Christian section. This one's been on my bookshelf for a few years now. Read it thru the lense of your ministry or walk with Christ.

Need a book for Father's? I pulled an idea from this book that I will incorporate into my relationship with my daughters.

Andy Stanley is my boy...plain and simple. I've read about 5 books from him. I recommend any of them. Here's 3:

Next Generation Leader
It Came From Within

That's just a few I've enjoyed...hopefully you can benefit from some of these...maybe I'll write a future post on what not to me, I've got some on the shelf...hmm?

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