Proverbs Chapter 3:
Chapter 3 continues on with the benefits of wisdom and the appeal of the parents for the young man to search for wisdom. There’s a lot in this chapter…we see giving in 9, 10 & 28, creation in 19 & 20 and doing evil in 29 and on. It’s worth noting that 2 of the most popular verses in the Bible are found here (v. 5, 6). However, the thing I really notice about this chapter is the appeal for a ‘get rich scheme.’ The heading in my Bible says ‘further benefits of wisdom.’ It can be really easy to read Proverbs with the focus on ‘what’ as opposed to ‘who.’ Meaning, we become more interested in ‘what we get’ versus ‘who we become.’ It seems to get support in verse 2 of the chapter…”for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity.” Proverbs never teaches that righteousness is the path to riches…at least not our definition of riches. It does, however, speak the truth that those who live a life devoted to God will escape the pitfalls that bring people to poverty or an early grave. Now, that doesn’t mean everything goes our way and we never experience any difficulties or struggles. We may be going thru some sort of discipline…mentioned in verse 11. But there are some things that we just simply bring on ourselves and Proverbs tells us we don’t have to live that way. There is a better path to take, a better way of life.
1 comment:
Yeah, verses 5 & 6 have steered me the most throughout my journey…during some big decisions and through daily life in general. Completely trusting God…one of the concepts that we struggle with the most. Why?...because, to some extent, I want to think that I have it figured out, but I don’t. That’s why the Word goes on to advise us against leaning on our “own understanding,” and Solomon will continue to discredit human understanding throughout the rest of the book.
Remember what the Lord says through Isaiah, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (ch. 55: 8-9)
Then, Solomon goes on to say, “In all your ways acknowledge Him…”
That means acknowledge Him when things seem to be going well and just as much when we’re not sure how things are going to unravel. Acknowledge Him in your family life, to your neighbors, in the workplace, etc.
The result: “And He will make straight your paths.” Trust & acknowledge.
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