Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I go to Barnes/Noble once a week to grab a Grande White Chocolate Mocha on Skim with Whipped Cream and spend a couple/three hours studying. I figure since I get skim milk I can afford any extra calories from the whipped cream. Anyway, that is the drink I order about 9.9 times out of ten and everytime I get this from the employee..."would you like to up that to a Venti for only 35 cents?" I respond with, "No thanks." "Would you like a cookie or piece of pie with that?" "No thanks." Well, the other day I didn't respond like that. Instead it was more like this..."No ask me those same questions everytime I come in here." She sort of gave me a funny look and said..."I'm required to ask you." I said..."I figured you was." So, I got to thinking about that idea within Starbucks. For the customer, it may not be that big of a deal. But for a company that's selling coffee all around the's enormous. Just imagine how many people are asked that question each day and how many of them fall prey and say..."oh yeah...why not." Starbucks is already making a ton of money, but with 35 cents extra coming in thousands of times across the's adding up. My question is...will this work in the church? I say we try it out this weekend. If you see somebody singing just go up to them and say..."are you sure you don't want to sing a little louder?...maybe clap your hands?" Or, if you see someone dropping $10.00 in the basket during offering..."you know you could make God a little happier if you throw in an extra $5.00." What if you see someone working in the nursery..."hey, I bet God would really be proud of you if you started working in the nursery 2 times a month, rather than just's only one extra Sunday." Think about the's not much to ask a little extra from one person but when everyone in the church starts doing what an enormous difference! Starbucks may have something here. Ok, you're probably thinking I've gone over the deep end. Or, you figured out that one of my pet peeves is being asked something over and over when all I want is what I ordered. The truth is, whenever I give a little extra to's for their benefit. When I give a little extra to works for my benefit. If I give 35 extra cents for coffee, I get filled with a little bit more caffeine. When I give a little extra to God, I get filled with a lot more of Him. Starbucks may have to ask the customer for a little extra but the church shouldn't have to be asked. We should willingly come ready to give all we have for Him. Maybe God is asking all of us the Starbucks question..."are you sure you don't want to up that offering?"


Misty said...

Hey did you know the Barnes and Noble Cafe isn't actually a bonified Starbucks? Me either till a couple months ago.

Mike Archer said...

yeah, i had a starbucks card once and they wouldn't let me use it. I was like...huh???

James Hewitt said...

I hate coffee!