Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Year Goals

I've been thinking this week about my goals for 2009. I're supposed to have resolutions and it's a little late to be coming up with this stuff since the New Year is already a little over a week in. Well, I just never got around to it until now. Anyway, one of my goals each year is to read thru the Bible, specifically, a different version each year. This year I'm reading thru the NKJV. I have a Max Lucado Inspirational Study Bible that I've owned for a few years now and I only use it if I can't find my NIV or I just want to see how the New King James interprets a specific verse I may be studying at the time. So, it will be pretty cool to put a little wear and tear on this Lucado Bible that appears near mint condition. One of my other goals is to read 24 books this year. I read about 20 last year which was huge. A few years ago I was not the reading type of guy...just give the movie was my motto. However, I changed that mentality and started making goals each year for a certain number of books. 24 is 2 per month. That may not sound like much, but it's quite the task when you throw in everything else life has to offer. Even though my motto in the past was 'give me the movie' I don't read anything that will be made into a movie. I only read books about God, church, religion...stuff that will help me in ministry. I don't get into all the latest best sellers...twilight, harry potter, etc. On that end, just give me the movie or tell me about it. In fact, I saw the movie Twilight when it came out since Marinda had read all the books. She teaches 6th grade writing so it comes with the territory. Anyway, I watched the movie, (it was ok) and told Marinda to tell me the rest of the story. After seeing the movie I didn't really see what all the fuss was about. Marinda said that most readers are connecting with the characters and the relationship aspect and they get sucked into it. I can understand that but I just don't do it. I watch the TV show Lost but I could care less if Jack or Sawyer gets Kate...just tell me what the heck is goin' on with that Island. Anyway, didn't mean to get off on that stuff. I have other goals for the Year but I have no interest in posting them for the world to see. Later!


Misty said...

Come on now. I wanted to hear your goals. Anyway don't knock fiction. You would be amazed at what the classics like To Kill A Mockingbird will do for the soul. It is awesome stuff laced with good solid morals NOT like today's ordinary fiction. I have found it to offer something very unique to my walk.

Misty said...

I didn't mean to be negative because I think it is awesome that you read as much as you do. It is cool that you are always learning and growing as a pastor!

Mike Archer said...

i wasn't really knockin' fiction...just don't want to spend my time reading it. i'd rather watch the movie when it comes to stuff like that.