Monday, October 11, 2010


It's official, the Jonesboro campus has given birth to a campus in Paragould. One Church two locations is now a reality for Crossroads. 10-10-10 was a very successful day! Last weekend we had 146 people at Jonesboro. This weekend we had about 400 total for both locations. 6 people formed a relationship with Christ this Sunday. It took a lot of faith, sacrifice, money, risk...all those words we like to avoid in order for this 2nd campus to become a reality. What if we would've backed out because the cost was too high? What if we said, 'let's just do what we've always done.' What if the battle cry was this...'don't rock the boat.' I can tell you what would've happened. When you always do what you've always done, you always get what you've always gotten. To be the Pastor of a Church that is willing to step out into the unknown and risk everything to reach people is something not every Pastor can say. Thank you Crossroads for being that Church. Can't wait till Sunday!

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