Thursday, June 7, 2007


I recently went to Rockford, Illinois to marry a couple that is related to my wife. Being from the south, I talk a little differently than people from the north. If you've been you know exactly what I'm talking about. Before the wedding I was just listening to people talk and thinking to myself...they all sound just alike. I've been up north several times but I was just soaking it all in at this moment...for some reason it was funnier this trip. Before we left I went into a local Quik Shop to grab a bag of ice...I promise this is all I said, "I need a bag of ice." The lady behind the counter said, "You're not from here are you?" I said, "No, I'm a hick from Arkansas who dreams of having indoor plumbing in the near future!" Actually I just said, "no, I'm not" but that's what was going through my head. Anyway, there is a scripture in Matthews gospel that has always made me think about something. Here's the scripture: Matthew 26:73b says, "Surely you are one of them, for your accent gives you away." This is the story of Peter's denial of Christ. Peter denies knowing Christ three different times but this comment by someone in the crowd has always made me think. Peter was recognized by the way he talked. Peter had a Galilean accent which made him standout in Jerusalem. In fact, all of the disciples had this Galilean accent, with the exception of Judas. So, just in the way the disciples talked moved people to relate him to Jesus. Now chew on this for a second. Does the way you talk cause people to relate you to Jesus? I could've told the lady in the Quik Mart that I lived just two blocks down the road but she would've known I was either lying or had just recently moved to town. My accent gave me away. Peter was trying to prove he was not a follower of Christ but his accent showed differently. I think we sometimes try to insist that we are followers of Christ but our accent shows differently. Ouch! Yeah, the truth hurts. We are going to be talking about the tongue for 3 weeks starting after Father's Day. How's your accent?