Friday, June 8, 2007


A man’s wife had a cat that irritated him constantly. He hated that cat. He hated having cat hairs all over his coat. He hated stumbling over that cat in the dark. He hated being kept awake by the cat’s squealing in the night.When his wife went to visit her mother, he drowned the cat. When his wife came back and asked about the cat, he said, “I guess the cat ran away.”His wife was distraught and despondent over the loss of the cat. She pleaded with him to find some way to have the cat returned, so he put out a $1,000 reward.A friend of his told him, “That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever hear – offering $1,000 reward for a cat you don’t even like.”The man replied, “When you know what I know, you can afford to take the risk.”
It's amazing what we will risk when we know the whole story. Think about your life as a follower of Christ for a second. How much time do you give God each day? How much of your talent are you using for His Church? Do you always tithe or just when there's enough money left over? Honestly, we all fall short in different areas of our lives. We won't give God our talent because were unsure if it will really matter, our time is held back because we have other "more important" things to accomplish and we refuse to tithe because we simply can't afford it. The truth is, we simply don't trust God will follow thru with His promises. We do something for God and we want our reward the next day. When He doesn't deliver we get upset. I don't know what's going to happen over the next 20 yrs. of my life but I know who's in charge. I've read the end of the book, Jesus wins! So, all I have to do is follow His will for my life. When I do that it will appear that I am taking huge risks when in actuality you would do the same because..."when you know what I know, you can afford to take the risk."