This weekend we had some great stuff happen and sometimes we don't all get to be a part of everything so here are a few highlights:
The Pump it Up Party Saturday afternoon rocked! We had 60 in attendance...which was a great turnout...and all the kids (and adults) had a blast! Watching Pete & Steve in the boxing cage was good entertainment. I thought Farrah was going to knock James' head off with that joust club. The greatest moment of the evening, however, was when the 5 leadership team guys defeated the 5 laymen in the obstacle course race. The headfirst slide by Steve to win was very cool! That was a little teaser of what's going to happen this July when we kick off the series, "Is He in You?" Each week the Pastor's will compete against the laypeople of the church in a "Pro's versus Joe's Battle." Fun stuff!
Sunday morning we did a little service called "In the Round." Phillip built a stage in the middle of the room and all the chairs circled the stage for a more intimate approach. Scott, Michelle, Zach & Jami all did a great job telling their stories. We had a 130 in attendance, which is awesome for summer.
Someone that's been bathed in prayer during G.R.O.W. each month was in attendance Sunday.
Pete & Kelly Cancilla & Dustin Wheat all joined the Crossroads Team Sunday after attending the Membership Class. Welcome aboard guys!
That's a few things that happened this weekend you might have missed out on. Have an awesome day!